Land Surveyor Services
Plot & Land Measurements Service / Posted 4 years ago by Ashish / Popular
We are a land surveying firm, providing services. The services fulfill the needs of architects, real estate developers, and civil construction, etc.
Our Services:-
> Topographic Surveys
> Total station Surveys
> Contour Surveys
> Plane Table Surveys
> Demarcation Survey
> Layout Design
> Plot Demarcation
> Slum Cadastral
> Building Measurement, etc.
We also specialize in construction layouts, boundaries, subdivision design, title, and boundary surveys, pipelines, unit surveys, digitizing, map reproduction and preparation, wetlands delineation, and provide dedicated mapping services.
- Listing ID: 9867
- Contact Number: 8329080513
- Type Of Work: We are a land surveying firm, providing services. The services fulfill the needs of architects, real estate developers, and civil construction, etc.
- Company Name: Land Surveyor Services
- Owner Name: Ashish Salve
- Experiences: 5 years
- Search By Location: pune
- Work Area: Pune Maharashatra
- Map Address: